My Self Care Habits



Tip and Tricks I’m taking into the new year

As many of you know, I’m in the midst of moving to a new city! Between packing up my one bedroom apartment and bracing for the holidays, it’s safe to say my stress levels have been a bit high lately. Which got me thinking about all the little self-care things I’ve been protizing to keep my sanity. 

Staying distressed during the holidays and life in general is so important. I focus on a bit of everything from setting aside time to get outside, drinking lots of water and taking my Olly gummies. So let me walk you through some key things I try to incorporate into my daily routine to help keep me de-stressed:

These are just a few of the things I try to keep in mind when life gets stressful. I know getting stressed and burnout is sometimes unavoidable, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed. But, remember sometimes I little self care can go a long way.


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