Vegan Leather Booties



So, today we are talking shoes. Specifically, my favorite type of shoes…booties! Booties have been a staple in my closet for several years now. They are so versatile, plus booties are perfect for every season! Any one else agree?

Booties are the perfect pair for jeans or to add some edge to any dress! Today, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite booties. Not to mention all of these booties are vegan leather! Yay, for cruelty-free and animal-lover friendly. P.S. If you are ever looking for a GREAT vegan shoe line, I HIGHLY recommend Matisse Footwear, they are one of my absolute favorite shoes brands. They are high-quality, vegan and fairly priced plus, all their shoes super cute! Trust me, I own five pairs.

Many of the styles I have listed come in a few different colors, so click your favorite style to see more. 🙂

Here are my favorite vegan leather booties:

faux vegan leather booties - but what should i wear

faux vegan leather booties - but what should i wear


  1. Marta says:

    Gorgeous outfit! I love booties too, they’re warm and pretty. I’ve been trying to ditch real leather as I have plans on becoming vegan in the next few years and it’s been hard trying to find a good quality vegan boots brand so thank you for sharing!

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