Florence Travel Guide



72 Hours in Florence

Florence might arguably be my favorite city in Italy. There is no shortage of art, history, and magnificent architecture. Everywhere you turn there is something to new to discover and explore.

I wanted to share with you all of the amazing things Florence has to offer including what to see, where to eat, where to stay, and what to explore. No matter where you find yourself roaming in Florence I am sure you will have the trip of a life time.

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The Duomo in Florence – Probably the most epic place to visit in Florence. I went to visit it everyday while I was in Florence. It is magnificent, I just couldn’t get enough. I highly recommend getting tickets to visit the Museum, the baptistry, and go up the Duomo. (Note- purchase the tickets prior to your trip, the Duomo sells out weeks in advance)

Piazza della Signoria and the Palazzo Vecchio – I am going to argue that climbing the tower of the Palazzo Vecchio is the BEST view of Florence. Yes, better then the Duomo. Go when it opens or at night during sunset to avoid the lines and get the best view. Plus explore the beautiful paintings throughout the castle and see the statues outside in the plaza.

Galleria dell’Accademi – This is were the original Statue of David is displayed and let me tell you, it is epic. The Statue is David is dropping in person, they also say it will only remain standing for the next five years before it will need to be supports. I highly recommend seeing it if you can. Get there before 1:30 so you can explore the rest of statues housed in the museum.

Santa Croce – Santa Croce is not only a gorgeous cathedral both inside and out but, has the perfect plaza to just sit back, relax, and have a glass of wine.

Uffizi Gallery – Unfortunately this one was of the museums we never made it to. It is said to be one of the best museums in Florence and houses the largest collection of art. We were unable to go because tickets sold out and ticket lines ended being over three hours long. If you plane to visit the Uffizi Gallery, which I highly recommend you should, by your tickets in advance.

Porcellino – This may be a quick, anti-climactic attraction but it is said if you visit the Porcellino, the bronze boar, and rub it’s nose it is said that you will visit Florence again in your life time!

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Osteria Santo Spirito – THE BEST RESTAURANT I went to in Italy. I would wait three hours for this truffle gnocchi. I literally have dreams about it. My boyfriend was a little more adventurous and had tripe (aka cow stomach!) and he has gone as far to say it is the best meal he has had in his life. If you eat anywhere in Florence, eat at Osteria Santo Spirito.

SimBIOsi – A must stop spot for some epic pizza!

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The Alleys – Avoid taking the typical routes when walking to your attractions, take the alleys. They alleyways are so unique and beautiful. You are really immersed in the culture and you’ll find the best hole-in-the-wall, authentic Italian cafes and restaurants.

The Leather Market – Florence is known for it’s high quality leather. Whether you are interested in picking up a quality jacket or not, I highly recommend checking it out.

Ponte Vecchio – Explore designer store after designer store on Florence’s version of LA’s Rodeo drive.

Via de’ Tornabuoni – Explore the historical bridge crossing the Arno River. Built in the 16th century it is now filled with jewelry stores. At night you can grab a glass of wine and watch the street performers while the sunsets. It also connects two amazing plaza in Florence that are filled with art.




AirBnb is no doubt the best way to travel if you’re in your 20s. There are countless amazing rooms available for less the $50/night. Plus, you get more amenities then a hostile, like privacy, a kitchen, and a slightly more comfortable bed.

My biggest tip besides checking the reviews of each Airbnb is location, location, location. Find a location that is central to wear you want to site see. That makes site seeing and walking around the city much easier. Avoid staying in an area where you will have to take a bus or taxi to site seeing locations. Trust me it is not worth saving the extra buck and there are plenty of budget friendly places right in the heart of Rome. HERE is the one we stayed at, it’s small but it gets the job done and is the PERFECT location. If you really want to save money, find a place with a kitchen so you can cook a few meals during your stay and stock up on snacks to avoid eating out 24/7.

Get $40 travel credit if you sign up for AirBnb using this link – not sponsored, just sharing the love. ????


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